Jordan Station United Church
COVID-19 Updates
Please check this page regularly for updates.
July 2022
When possible, in-person Worship Services will be available. When in the church building, please try to maintain physical distancing. Masks are no longer a requirement.
April 5, 2022
Members of our Church Council had a discussion regarding our church safety protocols and it was decided that within the Church building physical distancing must be maintained (by those from different households) and masks must be worn.
September 8, 2021
Our Church Council met on September 4, 2021 and has passed the following motion:
"All persons entering the church building must be double vaccinated (and provide proof), unless under 12 years old or have a
medical condition (with Doctors note)."
Within the church building physical distancing must be maintained (by those from different households) and masks must be worn.
Indoor Worship Services resumed on Sunday, September 12.
NOTE: Worship Services will BEGIN at 10:30am.
June 16, 2021
The province of Ontario entered stage one of reopening on Friday. June 11. In regards to churches, here are the latest details:
For weddings, funerals and other religious services, rites or ceremonies:
- physical distancing must be maintained
- people must wear masks or face coverings when they are within 2 metres of another person who is not part of their household, with limited exceptions
Capacity limits:
- indoors: 15% capacity of the particular room (that means about 15 people for our sanctuary)
- outdoors: limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres
- Receptions are not permitted indoors except with members of the same household (the people you live with) or with one other person from outside of the household that lives alone, or caregivers for any of those persons.
- Outdoor receptions permitted up to 10 people.
- Drive-in services, rites or ceremonies permitted, subject to certain conditions.
- Virtual services permitted.
What does this mean? It means that Worship Services at Jordan Station United Church will resume this Sunday, June 20 and you no longer need to register to attend!
Here are the upcoming dates and times:
Sunday June 20 - 10:00am Garden Worship (Sanctuary will be open for individual prayer - maximum 15 people from 9:00 to 11:30am)
Sunday June 27 - NO Service as Rev. Anita will be on holidays
Sunday July 4, 11, 18 & 25 - Service at 10:00am. Sanctuary open for prayer and reflection!
Reminder to bring your own lawn chair or blanket!
May 1, 2021
With Rev. Anita's return from her Sabbatical, she initiated out-door Worship Services Sunday mornings at 9:30am and 11:00am. Due to Provincial guidelines, the attendance is capped at 10 people (including the Minister) therefore weekly emails are being sent out to the Congregation to invite them to register for these services. Pre-recorded on-line Worship Services have stopped.
February 18, 2021
Church Council Meeting
At this meeting it was requested that a survey be sent out to our Members asking their level of comfort with returning to Church once the Provincial restrictions are lifted. There was continued discussion regarding safety items needed i.e. hand sanitizers, plexi-glass shields, signage, etc. It was noted that on-line Services will continue and evaluated in accordance with Provincial/Regional guidelines.
September 15, 2020
Church Council Meeting
During this meeting a drawing of the Sanctuary interior was presented to the Council. The drawing laid out the number of people permitted into the Sanctuary ensuring physical distancing of a minimum of 6 feet. The discussion of re-opening the church was continued, specifically the procedures that would have to be in place in order to open safely. A "Return to Church Planning Committee" was formed and they will take the lead on reviewing Regional and United Church of Canada protocols. The first meeting of this new Committee was scheduled for September 16.
July 21, 2020
Church Council Meeting
It was decided at this meeting that the Church would remain closed for August and September and the situation would be re-evaluated after schools re-opened. The next council meeting is set for September 15 and the discussion regarding re-opening the Church will be continued.
March 25, 2020
United Church of Canada
Closure of Church Buildings in Ontario
Published on: March 25, 2020
On March 23 the Ontario government announced the closure of all but essential workplaces. Church buildings (other than some community services that may fall under the social services category) were not named as essential, and therefore Ontario church buildings need to be closed. We interpret this as not allowing even a small number of people in the church to provide virtual worship.
This does not stop creative ways of connecting with members and worshipping together. Online worship can still be offered from the homes of worship leaders using technology. Ministers and others in the faith community can also stay connected with one another through social media, telephone, and the variety of technological options available.
Buildings can still be entered by the custodian, other designated staff, or a volunteer to check heating, water, and so on, but no work can be done from the church. We know this is yet another abrupt swerve in this crisis, but clergy and staff have shown great imagination as they move online. On behalf of The United Church of Canada, thank you to all the employees and ministry personnel who continue to pastorally care for people.
This note relates specifically to the legal requirements now in place in Ontario. Churches in other provinces and territories should check their respective government websites on their status under emergency/essential service rules. We are advised that in at least one other jurisdiction, provincial leaders have likened worship leaders to teachers. Students are not to attend school, but teachers are allowed in the building to teach online. With this interpretation, it would be permissible for a small number of people to go into the church building to provide an online service.
It is important to keep up to date on the directives from your provincial and territorial governments and public health officials. Having said that, clearly it may be time for church leaders everywhere in Canada to look for options that do not involve even a small number of people coming together from different households to lead worship, even where social distancing is practised. It seems that week by week, and day by day, more is learned about the threat the coronavirus poses, and it is especially important that worship leaders care for their own health and that of their families.
A national webinar is coming soon for worship leaders to share ideas about online worship and other ways to stay connected.
We remember now, as always, that God is with us and we are not alone. Thanks be to God.
Nora Sanders, General Secretary
The United Church of Canada
March 24, 2020
United Church of Canada
Moderator Asks that Funerals Be Delayed
Published on: March 24, 2020
Our United Church Creed reminds us that “In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God!”
The church has long been a place where we gather not only for regular worship but also to celebrate key moments of life: baptisms, marriages, and funerals. At the present time, however, health and government officials are requesting we restrict the size of public gatherings. Baptisms and marriages are key celebrations many are delaying until they have a chance to have that celebration, in the context of our faith tradition and in the company of family and friends.
Funerals may initially seem different to us. We are accustomed to having them happen quite soon after a person has died. But in the present time I encourage you also to be willing to delay this important event—important for us as individuals and important in our faith tradition. A funeral is an opportunity to do two things: first, to remember and give thanks for the life of the person who has died, and second, to think about what our faith tradition says to us in the face of death. Funerals are times when we gather -as family, as friends, and as a community - to do these two things. Given the importance of coming together - to remember, to give thanks, to reflect about our faith - please consider delaying funerals until we are able to gather, as a community without restrictions on the size of our gatherings.
I recognize that where a body is to be buried, there is a need to act relatively soon after a death. In that case there could be a committal service at the graveside for close family members (always keeping in mind the physical distancing precautions), with a celebration of the person’s life afterwards when we are again able to gather freely. I ask you to think very carefully about the risk inherent in even a committal service with a small group present; none of us wants to damage another’s health. We may need to focus on pastoral care without liturgical support. In those situations where a body has been cremated, there is no impediment to delaying the service. By having the funeral service later, we make it possible for all who have known and loved that individual to come together - to remember, to give thanks, and to reflect.
We are living in a time that is new to us, and it calls us to new approaches to things that are very much a part of our lives, including many well-loved traditions and practices. Let’s all remember that God is with us. We are never alone. Thanks be to God.
The Right Rev. Richard Bott
Moderator, The United Church of Canada
March 21, 2020
Email sent to our Congregation:
We invite you to join us for worship this Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. on Facebook Live (link below and on our website). Everything will be on the screen including the song lyrics so we can join together in singing God's praises. Perhaps consider having a watch party and inviting your friends. The service is also available after the service, so don't worry if you miss it, you can watch it at any time.
We know that not everyone has access to Facebook so we are also pleased this week to offer you the full service so you can have your own worship service at home. Attached you will find a Document with a one page order of service and complete Service with Prayers, Scriptures and Minute for Mission. My sermon will be available early next week.
We invite you to print a copy of the document and deliver it to a friend or neighbour who may not have a computer at all.
My thanks to Joyce and Sonja for all their hard work in making this service happen! We continue to experiment and dream about how we can continue to be together as a church family during this pandemic.
Storytime with Rev. Anita continues daily at 11:00 a.m. and Carolyn will be offering Creative Worship on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.
Prayers and blessings to you all,
Rev. Anita Spiller
March 17, 2020
As of 1:00pm today, our Church building will be closed, including the Office. Staff and our Property Team will make intermittent visits to ensure the maintenance and well being of our Church building. We are asking all Church Members to refrain from coming into the building even if you are a key holder. Please contact Rev. Anita if there is something you require from the building.
Phone messages and emails to the Administrator will be checked regularly. As always, Rev. Anita is available by phone or text at 905-599-0477 or email:
Thank you for your understanding as we do our part to control the spread of the virus.
March 17, 2020
Email sent to our Congregation:
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
We want to assure you that Jordan Station United Church’s staff are working hard to ensure that we remain united in this unsettling time through Prayer, Worship and Programming. Although the Church building is physically closed, the work of God continues. It is our prayer that we may be united in this time through prayer and hope as we intercede for those who are sick, scared, depressed and lonely. Though it’s a time a challenge, let it be one of opportunity to move inward in our thoughts and prayers to recognize the grace and humility that we are experiencing. If we give up on hope, we just give up. Let the challenge of today bring us to the hope of tomorrow. Where is God? And how can you build your relationship during this time?
1 – Join us for on-line Worship every Sunday morning at 11:00am, Creative Spirit on Tuesdays at 10:00am, Story Time with Rev. Anita daily at 11:00am.
2 – Pray for each other
3 – Donate. It is essential to ensure that your givings still reach our Church. Our operating expenses continue, so you can mail in your cheques or click the ‘Donate’ button on our website.
4 – Continue to support the important work of our Local Mission Project (see our website for details)
5 – Share the Good News of Jesus Christ by encouraging your family and friends to join us on Facebook Live.
6 – For the most up-to-date information, regularly check our website:
Don’t have a Facebook Account – not to worry – see details below – it’s easy to sign up!
Follow these 4 easy steps to create your own Facebook account.
1. Go to
2. Enter your name, email or mobile phone number, password (write it down to remember it) , date of birth (you don’t need to give your actual date of birth – you can make one up) and gender.
3. Click Sign Up.
4.To finish creating your account, you need to confirm your email or mobile phone number.
NOTE: creating an account doesn’t mean that you have to post photos, tell stories or give intimate details of your life. Creating an account simply means that you can stay connected with your Church family. It’s a whole new world . . . let’s be brave!
Prayers and blessings,
Rev. Anita
March 13, 2020
Email sent to our Congregation:
Sisters and brothers in Christ,
As a community of faith, we are committed to sharing the love of God and each other in a safe, healthy environment.
As the threat from coronavirus (Covid-19) accelerates, and governments, businesses and schools warn against gathering, we feel compelled to take the regretful step of canceling our Worship Services, meetings and music rehearsals until health authorities determine the threat no longer exists.
At this time, there have been no confirmed cases in the Niagara region (Link to the Niagara Health COVID-19 webpage) but Members of our Church perfectly match those that health authorities have identified as being most endangered by Covid-19 and we will not put any of you at unnecessary risk. We’re taking this step with the thoughtfulness and gravity it warrants after consulting with our Church Council, and also with the United Church of Canada which mandates canceling activities when the World Health Organization declares a pandemic as it did on March 11, 2020.
I want to be clear about two things. First, though we are suspending formal services, we will continue to pray for each other and all those affected by this illness in our region and around the world. Second, we are working on alternative and/or online services to continue our relationship with each other and with God during this trying time. Please check the Church website for updates and we promise to pass along new information as soon as we have it.
With compassion and love,
Reverend Anita