Jordan Station United Church
10:30am Sunday Worship Service
We invite you to participate in our Worship, Programs and Service life here at Jordan Station United Church. We strive to be a place where you can search your heart and your mind for a deeper experience of God.
We are so excited about what God will do with and through you and we would love to help you experience God and the Church! That’s the beauty of having a Church home – just like your family, we are committed to walking you through the rough moments, celebrating with you in the joyous moments, and standing with you for all the moments in between.
Jordan Station United Church is dedicated to making everyone feel welcome and to help you grow in your Spirituality.
Our ‘Welcome’ is genuine and our doors are open to all who are looking for a Church to call home!
Jordan Station United Church is located at:
4105 Bridgeport Drive
Jordan Station, ON
The staff and the congregation of Jordan Station United Church warmly welcome you to our Church.
Social Media
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and photographs of how God is working in our Church and in our Community.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

Special Worship Services

Upcoming Events
Sunday, January 12 - Soup & Sandwich Luncheon
Tuesday, March 4 - Pancake Dinner - details tba